10 OG Urban Fantasy Series Printable Book List
The first Urban Fantasy book that I ever read was Magic Bites by Ilona Andrews. After that, I was hooked in the genre. I started looking at Goodreads lists and getting suggestions from authors and friends.
Time and time again, I saw there were some series and authors that were more frequently recommended than others. I came to think of these titles as the "OG" in the genre. So, I thought I would compile a printable book list of the Top 10 OG Urban Fantasy Series. I think this will be a great resource for those who are thinking about getting into the genre, as well as for those seasoned UF readers who have yet to complete whichever of the series.
Some confessions...
As one of those seasoned UF readers, I must confess that I haven't actually read all these books. I've only read 6/10 of the series here. Even then, I've skipped books in some of them. So, this is really going to be handy for me to keep track of what I still want to read at some point in the future.
While compiling this list, I had a lengthy internal debate about the difference between "Urban Fantasy" and "Paranormal Romance". There's a line between the two, but it's very fine line. I think you'll find some of the titles to be more of the latter, and I'd love to hear which ones you think those are.
Finally, if you don't see a series that you think should have been in the list, please feel free to leave me a comment so others can see your recommendation.

How to Use this Printable
This printable is letter size (8.5 by 11.0 inches). After printing it, you can bring it along with you when you go to the bookstore or the library. You can also share it in your next book club meeting, or just slip it in your planner or journal.
Get your book list here, and happy reading!
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