Meet Otherworldly Romance Book Blog

Hello, everyone! My name is Joy and I'm the creator of Otherworldly Romance, a blog about urban fantasy, fantasy, and paranormal romance books.

About Me

I'm a millennial who is obsessed with books. Whether I'm on my commute, eating breakfast, or just bored waiting in a queue, you'll always find me reading on my Kindle.

I read all kinds of genres, but I particularly like urban fantasy, fantasy, and paranormal romance. I love this genre of novels because there's always adventure, world-building, unique characters, and a healthy dose of romance. That's all I'm looking for in a good book.

In case you also want to know my thoughts on non-UF/F/PNR books, you can follow me on Goodreads.

Why did I create Otherworldly Romance?

2 reasons. First, I wanted to return to book blogging. Back in 2013, I started a blog called Once Upon A Story. I published book reviews about Romance books, including Contemporary, Historical, and Young Adult. While it was fun to write and engage with other book bloggers, I couldn't balance my publishing schedule with my work.

Back then, there were no tools to schedule posts in advance or create images from templates online or proofread posts before they are published. It was a lot of work. I ended up taking a hiatus-- to which I never returned. This time around, I feel a bit more ready to commit to book blogging.

Second, I realized that out of all the books that I was reading, I seem to enjoy Urban Fantasy, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance books the most. I fangirl over couples and I get so excited for sequels. I really like discussing them with others. So, rather than write book reviews again, I decided to do booktalks.

Many of my Goodreads friends publish book reviews (which is great). But not many people do spoiler discussions which is what I live for, especially when I'm fangirling really hard on a series.

Sounds great! Where should I start?

You have a couple of options. I've published 3 articles already which you can read here:

In case you're reading this in the future (when there'll be a lot more articles published), you can navigate via the sidebar. There are indexes there by author, creature, genre, and series.

I hope you enjoy reading!

How can I get your posts regularly?

I will be posting every week on a Friday. You can subscribe below.

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If you have any other questions, leave a comment below. Otherwise, see you again next week!
